15 Days to Slow the Spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19)
We have until April 1st to drastically change the course of the Coronavirus/Covid-19.
““You know how everyone rushed to the store at the same time and bought everything out at once instead of staggering their visits? Now imagine the same thing in the hospital, but instead of toilet paper, it’s ICU beds and ventilators that are out. This is why everything needs to be cancelled and people need to stay home””
If you want things to start getting better (sooner), we have 14 to 21 days where we could significantly slow the pandemic.
The major concerns regarding the Coronavirus is the rapid rate that it can spread and the fact that there is no vaccine at this point. Also the severity of symptoms are mostly respiratory related, compromising one's ability to breathe, which then affects their heart, brain and other major organs and bodily systems.
I am still seeing way too many people not taking this virus seriously enough.
Let’s say you meet Jane for coffee at her house because the cafe is closed. Jane says she is healthy and is not showing any signs of the virus, so you think it’s okay to get together.
Here’s the issue. You weren’t thinking about all of the people Jane came into contact with in the past 14 days. Did she pick up her child from college? Did she go to work? Did she work out at the gym? Did she travel on a plane or cruise ship in the past 14 days? Did she visit the doctor’s office for a routine exam?
Jane could have picked up the virus from any one of those people she came in contact with by simply living her normal life.
Ten days later, Jane develops a fever and tests positive for the Coronavirus (assuming she has access to the test). The CDC is reporting that we can carry the virus and not have signs for up to 14 days.
Naturally, until the past week, we have all been exposed to hundreds of people because we’ve been living our lives without restrictions.
This is how in our daily lives, we pick up all kinds of germs, such as the common cold, influenza, stomach bugs, and more.
But, the Coronavirus is different because it is so much more contagious and deadly than the typical flu.
Now, we have less than 15 days to stop the spread and flatten the curve.
Please do your part to make April 1, 2020, a much healthier and happier world.
Here are guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control:
Even if you are young and otherwise healthy, you are at risk—and your activities can increase the risk of contracting the Coronavirus from others. Everyone can and should do their part.
Listen to and follow the directions of your state and local authorities.
If you feel sick, stay home. Do not go to work. Contact your medical provider.
If your children are sick, keep them at home. Contact your medical provider.
If someone in your household has tested positive for the Coronavirus, keep the entire household at home.
If you are an older American, stay home and away from other people.
If you are a person with a serious underlying health condition—such as a significant heart or lung problem—stay home and away from other people.
I know that not everyone can stay home one hundred percent of the time. We still need groceries or need to take care of an elderly family member, etc. You might be required to work. Just please use extreme caution when going out. Wear gloves. Wash your hands, clean your car handles and your steering wheel.
Clean everything. Leave groceries on the front step of your parents’ home, if possible. Do not go inside.
I have faith that we can do this. Everyone must do their part.