COVID-19 / Coronavirus Patty McGee COVID-19 / Coronavirus Patty McGee

5 Simple Steps to Boost Your Immune System During the Coronavirus Pandemic (and beyond)

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Today is Friday, March 13, 2020, and it has been a tumultuous week for most of us. You’re probably scared and anxious due to the mixed news and advice that is being shared around the world. 

I’m here to tell everyone that there is a lot you can do on a daily basis to take control of your health and safety, most importantly your immune system.  I want you to know that it’s going to be okay. We are going to get through this. 

I have 35 years of nursing experience ranging from medical surgical nursing, ICU, Bone Marrow Transplant, teaching, hospital administration and practice management, to most recently owning my own private practice as a Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.  

I have been on the front lines of our current medical system and encourage everyone to protect yourself and your family, so that the most vulnerable have access to care, and the caregivers are able to provide the care and services that the community needs.  

While there are many unanswered questions regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus), limiting social contact to reduce the spread of the virus is the best way to keep each other healthy. 

As we learn more about COVID-19 and its effect on immune-compromised adults, I want to offer 5 simple steps you can follow to take better care of yourself:

  1. Drink Water: drinking more water has an endless number of benefits, most of which starts with detoxifying and replenishing.  Your entire body, overall health and immune system improves with clean water.

  2. Eat real whole food: science has proven over and over again the benefits of eating real whole food versus eating high calorie, low nutrient processed foods.  Real whole foods have tons of healthy vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, protein giving us energy and boosting our body’s immune system so that it can protect, prevent and restore balance and immunization. While the grocery store shelves have a limited supply, most stores are restocking on a regular basis, so please focus on real whole food first.

  3. Exercise is also a powerful defense and helps to boost your immune system.  Taking in large amounts of fresh oxygen and blowing off carbon dioxide, helps to build and restore muscle.  Exercise forces our circulatory system to move oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to and from every cell and organ in your body.  This in-turn helps to eliminate toxins such as bacteria, viruses, and other waste products. Exercise helps all of your major organs and bodily systems including our mental health by boosting endorphins sending positive thoughts, and reducing anxiety

  4. Sleep helps the body restore balance, redistribute nutrients and filter your waste and toxins and rebuild your immune system, allowing it to decrease inflammation and fight infection and disease. 

  5. Your thoughts and actions impact your immune system.  Limit what you listen to on the radio and what you watch on TV.  What we hear often controls how we feel, and the 24/7 news networks are well aware of this.  The more shocking and fearful the information, the longer we want to listen and watch. This is a vicious cycle. It’s important to be informed and follow directions when accurate information is shared.  Don’t fall into the rabbit hole of listening and scrolling through the same information hour after hour. Take control of your thoughts and feelings. Be productive with your time and energy.  

One of the most positive things about the timing of this outbreak in the United States is that it has come at the end of the winter season rather than at the beginning. That means longer days with more daylight and less influenza (flu) virus.

We are living in unprecedented times, but please trust that we will get through this. You are more resilient than you know.

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